Saturday, April 3, 2010

F1 - IT

imagine being in a position to dive off a yacht to swim in the azure waters of the Mediterranean off Monte Carlo one week, wander the Byzantine churches and Ottoman mosques in Istanbul the next and party in Montreal the week after


In accordance with the Federation Internationale de L’Automobile (FIA) regulations, each car has roughly 100 sensors placed in key data capture positions and send anywhere up to 20 gigabyes of data back to the pits during a race.


“They are collecting four to six megabytes per lap. It depends on the track layout and the quality of the coverage but we transfer about 70 per cent in real time to the garage or the pits,”


This LAN is connected to the factory LAN with an AT&T eVPN [enhanced Virtual Private Network] which is a direct private connection [not an internet VPN]. The link will run at 12Mbps in 2010 and have WAN acceleration which puts the WAN connection at almost LAN speed.


Full Article