Saturday, May 30, 2009

Alan Moore

I found an interesting article here, with the title "13 book-to-film adaptations that the authors hated".

This part is on Alan Moore:

There have been several adaptations of Alan Moore’s comics, and there are likely to be a lot more. They vary in quality from the abysmal (League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen) to the acceptable (the “For The Man Who Has Everything” episode of the Justice League television show), but they have one thing in common: Moore has had nothing whatsoever to do with them. The man many consider to be the greatest living comics writer has always maintained that he wrote his stories specifically for the comics medium, and that any adaptation would be so different that he didn’t want to be a part of it; now, after four movie adaptations and a handful of lawsuits, he’s asked for his name to be taken off any property he doesn’t directly own, with the result that Watchmen—this year’s big-screen take on what may be the best superhero story in comics history—bore the name of only its artist, Dave Gibbons, in the credits. Given his extremely public, extremely negative, comments about the movie versions of V For Vendetta and League, it’s unlikely he’ll ever change his mind about Hollywood.

kinda long interview. Interesting fellow. Saw most of the films "based on his work" :) Interesting viewpoint.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Google Wave

Click on the picture for high res.

Open Source!
Presentation here:

Is this something like hi5, facebook, myspace?

When I started watching this film it had 747 views.
When I finished watching, it had 92886 views ...

Deep water Soloing - no ropes

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Prison break

Prison break in Mexico. Read the full article here, and watch CCTV footage.


Friday, May 22, 2009

BMW vs. Audi

Audi guy says: "Your Move BMW."
BMW guy says: "Checkmate."


UCLA come up with world's fastest camera

6 million pictures per second !

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Magic Pen 2 !

you probably remember the Magic pen

Well, clicking on the picture, you'll get to Magic Pen 2 !

Trombone iBone

Monday, May 18, 2009

Cargo bridge

click on the picture for the game :)

i like it - u have to build bridges

Concursul LG

Eu am sa castig TV-ul LG LCD LH5000 de la Concursul LG organizat pe blogul lui Bobby Voicu.


Friday, May 15, 2009

O poveste de pe strada mea

O poveste despre cum se asfalteaza o bucatica de strada.
Nici n-a luat mai mult de un an.
Locatia este str. B.Lautaru din Brasov.

Imaginile rezolutie mai mare: aici.
Detalii despre concurs: aici.

Aceasta poveste de pe strada mea participa la Concursul LG Electronics Romania, avand capremiu un televizor LCD LG LH5000.

Il invit si pe Cioca sa participe la acest concurs.

This smell like Oscar - nominee !

Star wtek

Cameleon test

Some commenters think this is fake
what do you think?

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Friday, May 8, 2009

Caparo T1

Top Gear guys tested this thing:

need to see

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009