Friday, August 29, 2008

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


ReWalk™, the first commercially viable upright walking assistance tool, enables wheelchair users with lower-limb disabilities to stand, walk, and even climb stairs.

For potentially millions of wheelchair users, ReWalk™ delivers a new perspective -- on the world, on themselves, and on life.

ReWalk™ restores wheelchair users' dignity, health, inclusion, and self-esteem.


Brazil, 2nd league: Avai Florianapolis vs. ParanĂ¡ Curitiba


is that like 100m+?

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

WinBLOWS '98

Dream team?

Gold for US was NOT easy in the Olympic final.

Still, they got it, in an exceptional game, where Spain was not the team US beat in the groups by 37 pts.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Google takes over our lifes? LOL

check out other clips from this user ... funny :)


check out some other related videos ... it's cool ... nice way to catch a thief ...


Monday, August 18, 2008

Remi Gaillard

Game. what'ya think?

Basketball ...

Some people are interested in this one.

An article on NBA vs. EuroLeague

This will be a pretty hot subject soon.
I am sure.
Stern's gotta decide ...

:D Google minus Google

If you wanna search on the net, and you'd like to search with Google without getting results from Google sites such as Knol, Blogger and YouTube... you should click here. I think it's funny :D

wtf? idiot ...

Software and Hardware

Friday, August 8, 2008

Olympics on TV

in case u wanna know WHAT can u watch and WHEN can u watch it, and WHERE is it on (channel)

Helium - baloon - darwin award etc.

I was talking to Radu the other day about helium baloons.

Here's what we covered :D

1982 - this guy survives (uses 45 weather baloons), pays a $1500 FAA fine, later on, he shot himself and die @ age 44

2008 - the baloon priest - Adelir Antonio de Carli, 41, was attempting to set the world record for clustered balloon flight to publicize his plan to build a spiritual rest stop for truckers. He took a GPS w/ him. He died, because he didn't know how to use the GPS. (double darwin award :D)

And I looked up what do you need to do if you only have "regular" baloons. If you are 45 kg-s, you would need 3571. Damn! I'd need 5900+ to lift me !

Dance Boom